Jurnal Gema Ngabdi 2023-12-30T04:53:27+00:00 Bambang B. Santoso Open Journal Systems <p><strong>JURNAL GEMA NGABDI (JGN)</strong>, Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat diterbitkan tiga kali setahun pada bulan Maret, Juli, dan November oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), Universitas Mataram (Unram). Artikel yang dimuat meliputi hasil-hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari hasil kajian pengembangan dan penerapan IPTEKS yang berhubungan dengan biosains, agrokomplek, keteknikan, lingkungan, dan gizi dan kesehatan, serta sosial-ekonomi-humaniora.</p> <p>ISSN : <a title="issn" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2656-6516</a> | eISSN : <a title="eissn" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2656-8098</a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>FOCUS AND SCOPE</strong></p> <p>Artikel yang dimuat di JGN meliputi hasil-hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berhubungan dengan biosains, agrokomplek, keteknikan, lingkungan, dan gizi dan kesehatan, serta sosial-ekonomi yang telah dipertimbangkan dan disetujui oleh Dewan Editor. Adapun bidang tersebut meliputi: pembangunan manusia dan daya saing bangsa; pembangunan pertanian, perikanan, kehutanan, dan peternakan; pengentasan kemiskinan; pengelolaan wilayah pedesaan dan pesisir; pengembangan ekonomi dan kewirausahaan; pengembangan teknologi berwawasan lingkungan; kesehatan, gizi, dan obat-obatan herbal; seni, sastra, dan budaya; dan integrasi nasional dan harmoni social.</p> Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Sampah Anorganik Menjadi Media Tanam Vertikultur pada Masyarakat di Gili Air 2023-08-02T02:33:38+01:00 Sukartono Sukartono Siska Ita Selvia Lalu Arifin Aria Bakti Bambang Hari Kusumo Suwardji Suwardji <p>Gili Air as one of the Small Islands in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has various geographical limitations and even has economic dependence on the tourism industry. The large number of tourists has an impact on the amount of waste generated every day. This is not balanced with optimal waste management in Gili Air, where waste from each household and tourism supporting facilities is just piled up, then taken by the transportation service (Gili Care) and disposed of in the TPA (Final Disposal Site) in Lombok Big Island. Waste management on Gili Air requires a large amount of money because you have to pay for transportation by boat. Some local people and owners of tourism-supporting facilities manage their waste by dumping it in pits or burning it. Some of them who know the economic value of inorganic waste sell directly cardboard, used bottles, iron and others to collectors or scavengers themselves. The waste bank in Gili Air has not run optimally, so the reduction in waste generation only comes from selling used goods individually. Based on these various problems, the service team carried out community service activities through outreach and training on the use of inorganic waste to become verticultural planting media which indirectly contributed to household-scale greening in Gili Air. The goal of this activity is to generate enthusiasm and participation from Karang Taruna Gili Air (KTGA) in terms of waste management. This service activity took place enthusiastically and actively involved KTGA, where the evaluation results showed that there was an increase in knowledge of 47%. The community's activeness in providing questions and responses is an asset for participatory community empowerment in Gili Air.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pemanfaatan Kotoran Ayam Sebagai Pupuk Organik Padat Untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Tanaman di SMA Negeri 1 Gunung Sari 2023-06-27T04:27:21+01:00 Rachmawati Noviana Rahayu Immy Suci Rohyani Ernawati Ernawati Isrowati Isrowati Dela Savira <p>Land potential in the West Nusa Tenggara region can still continue to be developed for various types of crops where the use of organic matter can support land productivity. The abundant amount of livestock waste availability, especially chickens, can be used as solid organic fertilizer. Socialization activities in the school environment of SMA Negeri 1 Gunung Sari are implementation activities aimed at improving plant quality by utilizing chicken manure as solid organic fertilizer. This activity takes place through several stages, namely the preparation stage and the preparation of material, implementation stage accompanied by workshop activities with Direct Instruction and Focus Group Discuss and demonstration stage of making and applying organic fertilizer chicken manure in the environment around the school. The output of this activity is expected to increase awareness for workshop participants to be able to protect the surrounding environment by processing chicken manure waste to be used as planting media that can trigger plant growth and development, so as to reduce the rate of use of inorganic fertilizers that can reduce land quality.</p> <p> </p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Edukasi Mengenai Gangguan Kognitif Pada Pasien Hipertensi di Poli Neurologi Rumah Sakit Universitas Mataram 2023-07-01T13:06:14+01:00 Briliansy Briliansy Herpan Syafii Harahap Ilsa Hunaifi Muhammad Ghalvan Sahidu Stephanie Elizabeth Gunawan Ni Nyoman Ayu Susilawati Safat Wahyudi Baiq Hilya Kholida Diayanti Tenti Lestari Setyawati Asih Putri <p>Cognitive impairment in hypertensive patients is a significant clinical problem. It is a prevalent condition that has a major impact on quality of life. Hypertension, characterized by persistently elevated blood pressure, has been identified as a potential risk factor for cognitive impairment. Assessing cognitive function in hypertensive patients is essential for early detection and intervention. Community participation is crucial to raise awareness about the symptoms of cognitive impairment in hypertensive patients. Therefore, education on cognitive impairment associated with hypertension is necessary to reduce its morbidity. This community service activity aims to provide education on the definition, signs, and symptoms, as well as early detection methods of cognitive impairment in hypertensive patients to patients and their families at the neurology clinic University of Mataram Hospital. The activity was conducted using an interactive method with the aid of PowerPoint slides. The participants were given a pre-test, followed by a presentation on the disease, a discussion session, and finally, a post-test. There were 14 participants in total. The education session began with a pre-test consisting of five questions about cognitive impairment and hypertension. The participants' average score was 74.2. The material covered definitions, symptoms, early signs, and how to conduct early detection of cognitive impairment and hypertension. The education session concluded with a post-test, which revealed that 10 participants (71.4%) showed an increase in their knowledge scores, with a mean score of 88.5. Effective communication, information, and education are essential in improving knowledge about the early detection of cognitive impairment in hypertensive patients.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pelatihan Pengenalan dan Manajemen Kegawatdaruratan Anak di Rumah Sakit Universitas Mataram 2023-07-18T01:49:26+01:00 Titi Pambudi Karuniawaty Linda Silvana Sari Putu Aditya Wiguna Wayan Sulaksmana Sandhi <p>Kasus kematian anak di rumah sakit bisa saja terjadi dalam waktu 24 jam pertama pasien masuk ke rumah sakit apabila kegawatdaruratan tidak dikenali dan ditangani dengan baik. Beberapa kasus kematian tersebut sebenarnya dapat dicegah bila anak yang sakit berat dapat segera teridentifikasi pada saat tiba di rumah sakit dan mendapat penanganan tanpa ada &nbsp;keterlambatan. Oleh karena itu, pengenalan dan penanganan kegawatdaruratan anak menjadi hal penting yang harus dikuasai setiap tenaga kesehatan dalam perawatan anak sakit. Pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi perawat anak dan dokter umum untuk mengenali dan menangani kegawatdaruratan anak di unit gawat darurat dan ruang perawatan. Sebanyak 40 partisipan yang terdiri dari dokter umum dan perawat mengikuti pelatihan ini, Sebagian besar partisipan berjenis kelamin perempuan (62,5%) dengan rerata usia 24±1,7 tahun. Semua partisipan berlatar belakang pendidikan tinggi, dan telah bekerja di RS Universitas Mataram selama setidaknya 6 bulan terakhir. Pada akhir pelatihan, didapatkan peningkatan bermakna pengetahuan dan keterampilan peserta dalam mengenali dan menangani kegawatdaruratan anak. Pelatihan kegawatdaruratan anak perlu diselenggarakan secara berkala untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan perawatan anak di Rumah Sakit Universitas Mataram</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Pelatihan Pembuatan Pupuk Kompos Organik Limbah Rumah Tangga Pada Ibu-Ibu Pkk Rt 03 Rw 05 Kalurahan Mojo Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon Surakarta 2023-09-01T15:51:30+01:00 Nur Rokhimah Hanik Tri Wiharti Rindi Diah Ayu Fitriani Fiky Ariska Cahyani Umi Salamah <p>Residents of RT. 03RW. 05 Mojo Village, Pasar Kliwon District, Surakarta, totaling 20 families. and the majority of the population work as entrepreneurs and casual laborers. Most of the PKK members' mothers (wives) are housewives. They really need additional financial income to meet family needs. They have never received counseling or training on making organic compost from universities or other institutions. From the results of interviews, several female PKK members wanted counseling and training in making organic compost fertilizer as an alternative to increase their income financially. For this reason, the Biology Education Study Program Abdimas Team will provide training to PKK RT 03 members on making organic compost from family waste. The objectives of this community service are 1. Provide training on how to make organic compost. 2. Provide training/skills in applying organic compost with planting media. The training was held 2 times. The method used is lectures and questions and answers, as well as practical guidance on how to make and apply organic compost. The target of this training is to increase understanding of how to make organic compost by 20%, and a skill score of &gt;70. From the results of the training on making organic compost for women from PKK RT 03 RW 05, Mojo sub-district, it can be concluded that: There is an increase in understanding of the process of making organic compost from an average score of 38.23 to 89.14, meaning there is an increase in understanding of 51.25 ( 153.04%). For the skill scores for making compost and its application to media and plants, PKK members obtained scores of 88.92 and 88.71, which means that all participants are skilled in making fertilizer and applying it to plants.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sosialisasi Pengolahan Sampah Organik Menjadi Eco-Enzyme dan Produk Turunannya di Kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Bagek Kembar, Sekotong, Lombok Barat 2023-09-18T05:06:03+01:00 Ernawati Ernawati Immy Sucy Rohyani Suripto Suripto Ahmad Jupri Rachmawati Noviana Rahayu Isrowati Isrowati <p>Environmental problems, especially waste, are still an issue that has not been resolved to date. Apart from household activities, tourist activities are also a source of waste generation. Sekotong is an area in West Lomob that is starting to develop mangrove ecotourism, one of which is Bagek Kembar mangrove ecotourism. Waste management in the Bagek Kembar mangrove ecotourism area is still not available. Garbage is only collected and some is not processed and burned. This can be caused by the lack of information and learning from managers and local communities regarding the importance of waste management. One approach to overcoming this problem is by conducting waste management outreach and training to the community. The community must be involved in planning and operating waste management activities. This community service activity consists of three stages, namely the preparation stage by conducting a location survey, the second stage by holding outreach with the aim of socializing the management and processing of waste into environmentally friendly products and the final stage is evaluating the activity by assessing the effectiveness and level of community participation in waste processing. . The method used is participatory discussion and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) combined with direct practice of processing organic waste into Eco-Enzyme and Eco-Enzyme liquid soap. The activity went well and smoothly, where the community was enthusiastic during the activity with many people asking questions and actively participating during the making of Eco-Enzyme liquid soap. It is hoped that the results of this activity will increase public awareness of waste problems and public knowledge in processing the waste produced at both household and community levels. So, the community can start and take an active role in processing waste and reducing waste thrown into the environment.</p> <p> </p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mental Toughness Atlet Remaja: Sebuah Penguatan Dukungan Implementasi Kebijakan dalam Olahraga Prestasi 2023-10-19T00:56:06+01:00 Miftah Fariz Prima Putra Untung Muhdiarto Evi Sinaga Sutoro Sutoro Oscar Oswald O. Wambrauw Fitrine Christiane Abidjulu Samuel Piter Irab Trajanus Laurens Jembise Tery Wanena Yos Wandik Agnes Supraptiwi Rahayu Monika Gultom Wigati Yektiningtyas Jhoni Jonatan Numberi Remuz Maurens Bertho Kmurawak Aleda Mawena Akhmad Kadir Rodhi Rusdianto Hidayat Dewi Nurhidayah <p>In competitive sports, various factors influence the outcome of the game. It is believed that the mental toughness dimension is an aspect that contributes greatly to sports achievement in practice. However, unfortunately the condition of mental aspects of teenage athletes in Papua is limited explored. Therefore, the purpose of this community service was to provide assistance for the local government of Papua Province, especially the Sports and Youth Division, in providing information on the mental toughness conditions of adolescent athletes at PPLP/D Papua. The activity was carried out in three stages, namely preparation, implementation, and reporting. The results of the service found that the confidence dimension appeared to be greater than the other dimensions, while the commitment dimension was the dimension with the lowest value. For other dimensions such as positive cognition, constancy, and control were relatively in the middle. In general, the pattern of mental toughness of Papuan youth athletes appears disproportionate. Thus, mental coaching or training should provide to improve the mental quality of athletes</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Gen Z: Peduli Terhadap Ekosistem Mangrove di Kelurahan Lalowaru, Konawe selatan 2023-11-09T01:05:13+00:00 Asriyana Asriyana La Ode Muhammad Yasir Haya Sjamsu Alam Lawelle Haslianti Haslianti Dedy Oetama <p>Background: The problem of mangrove forest degradation in coastal areas is caused by various factors, including industrial activities, household activities, cultivation activities and land clearing for settlements. Previous research has stated that there needs to be concern from various parties so that mangrove forests in coastal areas are maintained. Until now, mangrove forest destruction, both natural and deliberate, is still quite high, making it a problem in most coastal areas. Situation Analysis: school students as the younger generation play an important role in disseminating knowledge about the importance of maintaining and preserving mangrove forests in coastal areas. Through this activity, it is hoped that a high level of love and concern for the environment can be created for school students in coastal areas. Approach Method: The approach stages carried out in this program consist of educating school students regarding the importance of maintaining mangrove forests in coastal areas. Results and Conclusions: When providing education to school students, they are first given an understanding of the importance of mangrove forests for the environment. After being given education and then practicing planting mangrove seeds directly, school students became enthusiastic about taking part in maintaining the mangrove ecosystem. Based on this, it can be concluded that education for the younger generation regarding the important function of mangrove forests needs to continue to be encouraged so that the younger generation is also involved in preserving coastal areas.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sosialisasi Area Rawan Longsor Dan Upaya Mitigasinya Di Kecamatan Lingsar Kabupaten Lombok Barat 2023-10-28T03:10:52+01:00 Arben Virgota Baiq Farista Supardiono Supardiono Rachmawati Noviana Rahayu Lalu Adi Gunawan Lalu Ade Sugiarta Muhammad Abu Tahsya <p>The Meninting Sub-watershed area, West Lombok Regency is one of the areas prone to landslides. This is due to the topographic conditions of the area which are dominated by very steep slopes. Landslides are one of the disasters that often occur, especially in West Lombok Regency. High rainfall intensity with a long duration is one of the factors causing erosion and landslides on critical slopes. This service activity was carried out with the aim of increasing the knowledge and insight of the community around the Meninting watershed, especially in the Lingsar District, regarding the risk of landslides and mitigation actions that can be taken. The target of this service is the Lingsar District Government and surrounding communities affected by the landslide disaster. The result of this service activity is an agreement on a follow-up plan for this activity with the Lingsar District and also the affected communities. This agreement is demonstrated by the willingness of the service target community to utilize data and information disseminated in various disaster mitigation and adaptation actions. Mitigation actions that can be taken include mapping areas prone to landslides, controlling land use, improving the quality of infrastructure, education and training and emergency planning. Handling adaptation to landslide disasters can be done by arranging housing, strengthening infrastructure, utilizing technology, increasing community capacity, and sustainable environmental management.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Produksi Ikan Nila Dengan Kolam Terpal di Desa Kramajaya, Lombok Barat Untuk Mencegah Stunting 2023-11-22T01:12:42+00:00 Fariq Azhar Muhammad Marzuki Andre Rachmat Scabra Nuri Muahiddah Rangga Idris Affandi Muhammad Sumsanto <p>Kramajaya Village is one of the stunting loci in Narmada District, West Lombok Regency. Stunting is a problem of chronic malnutrition caused by inadequate nutritional intake over a long period of time due to providing food that is not in accordance with nutritional needs. The way to overcome and prevent stunting from a food perspective is to provide nutritious food to pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and toddlers. These nutritious foods can include eggs, beef, chicken, seawater fish or freshwater fish. Tilapia is a fish that has high nutritional value and is classified as a fish that is low in cholesterol so it is healthy to consume. The results of discussions with the Mandiri Jaya Youth Organization, Kramajaya Village, Narmada District, West Lombok Regency, has abundant water sources. Apart from that, in Kramajaya hamlet there are many yards of residents' houses that have not been utilized optimally. There are no residents who know that the yard can be used to produce tilapia due to lack of knowledge about the technology of cultivating tilapia using tarpaulin ponds. Therefore, there is a need for knowledge transfer and assistance so that village residents, especially the Mandiri Jaya Youth Organization, Kramajaya Village, can produce tilapia fish in tarpaulin ponds to fulfill community nutrition, especially to prevent stunting and help improve the family economy. This counseling will be carried out using the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) method. Tilapia fish production using tarpaulin ponds in Kramajaya Village, West Lombok, is an effective solution in preventing stunting and improving community nutrition</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 SEHATI (Screening and Health Education Holistic Integratif) Berbasis Multiple Intelligences Serta Young Health Leader Pada Siswa SDN Selorejo 1 2023-11-09T04:35:24+00:00 Nadia Regita Ayu Cahyani Ijazah Ilmi Rohmah Muhammad Syihabuddin Lucky Radita Alma <p>SDN 1 Selorejo is still classified as a school with limited facilities. Educational support facilities include classrooms, libraries, UKS, school gardens and sanitation. The condition of educational support facilities seems to be poorly maintained, especially UKS, school gardens and sanitation due to the lack of human resources and school management related to school activities. Aspects of school and student activities and development are not well structured, activities are incidental and not sustainable. The post- pandemic new normality period is very important for implementing health holistically. The application of Multiple Intelligences allows students to explore new areas of intelligence and increase curiosity and natural talents by using the body, senses and imagination, and practice to understand promotive and preventive health concepts well. Elementary school age children will be trained to have leadership skills from an early age. This concept was developed in a holistic integrated manner due to various factors that can influence health levels in terms of host, agent and environment. The SEHATI program has 4 main activities, namely 1) Indoor Activity, 2) Health Screening (optimization of UKS), 3) Young Farmer (optimization of the environmental love program), and 4) Outdoor Activity. SEHATI activities involve the active contribution of partners to achieve goals. The SEHATI program is designed to prioritize behavior change efforts which include changing attitudes, habituating activities, and strengthening healthy behavior. With this health effort model, partners can implement health efforts well and sustainably and have awareness of the importance of implementing and understanding health efforts for children. In addition, schools can become role models for schools with effective health efforts in the elementary school segment in Indonesia</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Progam Isi Piring Dengan Nutrisi Bolu Singkong Atasi Stanting di Desa Sukadana Kabupaten Lombuk Utara 2023-11-23T03:41:58+00:00 Made Sutha Yadnya Misbahhudin Misbahhudin I K Wirajati Abdullah Zaenuddin Bulkis Kanata I A Sri Adnyani <p>The addition of nutrition is focused on the main activities for stunting in Sukadana Village, Bayan District, North Lombok Regency, a village that has abundant resources such as honey, cassava, fish, cashew nuts, corn, and so on. One is cassava. Villages have the opportunity to provide innovation in increasing agricultural output, such as innovating cassava, innovating cassava agricultural products, and marketing outreach to MSMEs in Sukadana Village. It is hoped that with this, local residents can be moved to continue businesses related to these two products. Increasing processed of nutrition cassava by processing it by making sponge cake an additional food containing eggs. The shape of cassava cake is made in various ways. The results of the processing have been practiced and consumed by the people of Sukadana Village. To maintain quality and content, it is disseminated with the assistance of BKKBN in terms of speakers and funds.</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Teknologi Microbubble Pada Kolam Ikan Koi Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Air di Desa Sokong Kabupaten Lombok Utara 2023-11-22T05:01:54+00:00 Bagus Dwi Hari Setyono Septiana Dwiyanti Damai Diniariwisan Yuliana Asri Muhammad Junaidi Muhammad Sumsanto Thoy Batun Citra Rahmadani <p>Koi fish cultivation activities are beginning to be developed in Sokong village, this is due to increasingly high demand, so it must be taken to improve the quality of koi fish production, one of which is by improving water quality. The availability of dissolved oxygen is one of the water quality parameters which is an indicator of good and bad water quality. So, to maintain the quality of dissolved oxygen, technology is needed that can maintain and meet oxygen needs. This community service activity aims to provide information regarding the application of microbubble technology to maintain dissolved oxygen in water so that it can increase the productivity of koi fish cultivation in Sokong village, North Lombok Regency. This service activity consists of several stages including location surveys, socialization and discussions, making and assembling microbubbles and testing microbubbles. Microbubble is a technology that functions to increase oxygen transfer through small water bubbles. The type of microbubble applied is the venturi type because it has a simple mechanism and the tools used are easy to obtain. This activity received a very good response as evidenced by the enthusiasm of partners participating in all stages. The benefit of this service is not only providing information on microbubble technology, but the use of this technology can provide solutions for managing and monitoring koi fish cultivation media in Sokong Village, North Lombok Regency.</p> <p> </p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Pangan Sehat Lokal Berbasis Kelor Untuk Peningkatan Gizi Balita, Ibu Hamil Dan Menyusui di Desa Gerimax Indah, Kec. Narmada, Kab. Lombok Barat 2023-12-30T04:53:27+00:00 Satrijo Saloko I Wayan Sweca Yasa Dody Handito Lalu Unsunnidhal Lingga Gita Dwikasari <p>stunting and malnutrition in Indonesia. The prevalence of stunting in NTB reaches 37.20% (Dikes NTB, 2017), NTB has special stunting areas, one of which is Gerimax Indah Village, Narmada, West Lombok. Many children are malnourished, and pregnant and breastfeeding mothers experience deficits in energy and protein intake. On the other hand, the resource potential and productivity of local food that can be used as nutritional intake, such as corn, cassava and moringa in NTB, continues to increase, and this indicates that these local food products have great potential as alternative food sources of nutrition. Moringa leaves as a source of protein and antioxidants are very good for people with malnutrition. To save time and make serving easier, it is necessary to prepare local moringa-based food products that are easy to serve in instant form and have high nutritional content. To save time and make serving easier, it is necessary to prepare local moringa-based food products that are easy to serve in instant form and have high nutritional content. To answer this challenge, the team has carried out activities by making processed food made from Moringa leaves in the form of Moringa leaf pukis for children, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out socialization and training on making local healthy food based on Moringa to improve the nutrition of toddlers, pregnant and breastfeeding women in Gerimax Indah Village, Kec. Narmada, Kab. West Lombok. The method that will be used in implementing this service is to apply the socialization and training method for making local healthy food based on moringa. The output must be in the form of articles in nationally accredited journals and publications in the mass media, apart from that, there are also additional outputs in the form of statements about the use of research results by partners or the public</p> 2023-11-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023