Jurnal Gema Ngabdi
<p><strong>JURNAL GEMA NGABDI (JGN)</strong>, Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat diterbitkan tiga kali setahun pada bulan Maret, Juli, dan November oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM), Universitas Mataram (Unram). Artikel yang dimuat meliputi hasil-hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat dari hasil kajian pengembangan dan penerapan IPTEKS yang berhubungan dengan biosains, agrokomplek, keteknikan, lingkungan, dan gizi dan kesehatan, serta sosial-ekonomi-humaniora.</p> <p>ISSN : <a title="issn" href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1551757446" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2656-6516</a> | eISSN : <a title="eissn" href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1551754659" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2656-8098</a></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>FOCUS AND SCOPE</strong></p> <p>Artikel yang dimuat di JGN meliputi hasil-hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berhubungan dengan biosains, agrokomplek, keteknikan, lingkungan, dan gizi dan kesehatan, serta sosial-ekonomi yang telah dipertimbangkan dan disetujui oleh Dewan Editor. Adapun bidang tersebut meliputi: pembangunan manusia dan daya saing bangsa; pembangunan pertanian, perikanan, kehutanan, dan peternakan; pengentasan kemiskinan; pengelolaan wilayah pedesaan dan pesisir; pengembangan ekonomi dan kewirausahaan; pengembangan teknologi berwawasan lingkungan; kesehatan, gizi, dan obat-obatan herbal; seni, sastra, dan budaya; dan integrasi nasional dan harmoni social.</p>Universitas Mataramen-USJurnal Gema Ngabdi2656-6516Peningkatan Kesadaran Lingkungan melalui Edukasi Dini mengenai Lingkungan Laut dan Perubahan Iklim bagi Siswa SMAN 1 Moyo Utara, Kabupaten Sumbawa
<p>One of the environmental issues currently in the global spotlight is climate change. The marine environment is among the most affected by climate change. Various efforts are being undertaken by governments, NGOs, and other environmental organizations to reduce the factors causing environmental change. However, full community involvement remains challenging due to a lack of environmental awareness. Early education offers a potential solution to increase public awareness, for example, through educating student groups. The purpose of this program is to provide students with insights into climate change, its impact on the marine environment, and preventive measures. The method used involves delivering relevant materials to the participants. The participants include 60 students from SMAN 1 Moyo Utara, Sumbawa Regency. An evaluation was conducted by giving pre-test and post-test for the participants resulting in the increase of participants’ knowledge of 81-205%. As a result of this activity, students gained more knowledge about the impacts of climate change on the marine environment, and their awareness of participating in environmental conservation efforts began to grow.</p>Baiq Hilda AstrianaAryan Perdana PutraBaiq Fadila Arlina
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2024-12-032024-12-036316216910.29303/jgn.v6i3.515Peningkatan Literasi Teknologi Guru melalui Pelatihan E-Evaluation Berbasis HOTS di SMAS Muhammadiyah Kota Bima: Dampak pada Efektivitas Evaluasi Pembelajaran
<p>The implementation of E-evaluation based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in private high schools remains limited. Observations from the Community Service Team revealed several issues, including the minimal use of E-evaluation in Muhammadiyah High Schools. Interviews with the principal and several teachers indicated that evaluations are still predominantly paper-based. In 4.0 era, it is essential for both teachers and students to adapt the technological advancements, especially in the evaluation process. E-evaluation serves as an effective tool for assessment at the high school level. The goals of this initiative are to: 1) enhance the technological skills of teachers at partner private schools, 2) improve teachers' understanding of E-evaluation, 3) develop HOTS-based E-evaluation products, and 4) increase teachers’ knowledge about crafting questions that promote Higher Order Thinking Skills. The methods used include presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on practice. The proposed steps for working with teachers are: 1) FDG, 2) training and mentoring, 3) monitoring, and 4) evaluation. The outcomes of this activity include: (1) 90% teacher participation, (2) 80% teachers grasping how to formulate HOTS-based questions, (3) 90% understanding the use of E-evaluation, (4) 90% of students gaining familiarity with courses in Human and Computer Interaction, Teaching Strategies, and Learning Evaluation, (5) the creation of an E-evaluation module/guidebook, (6) certificates for teachers who develop E-evaluation questions, (7) visual materials such as posters, (8) published articles in the Abdi Insani journal, (9) media coverage of activities in online platforms, and (10) activity videos uploaded to the STKIP Taman Siswa YouTube channel. So, the practical significance for teachers is improving the quality of education using E-evaluation Technology in Private schools</p>Ika IrawatiAnnisah AnnisahIlyas IlyasDeddy Meirawan
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2024-11-302024-11-306317017810.29303/jgn.v6i3.495Meningkatkan Partisipasi Mahasiswa pada Program MBKM Mandiri-Asistensi Mengajar melalui Pelatihan Mandiri Terintegrasi
<p>Integrated Independent Training aims to increase the participation of students, supervising lecturers, and mentor teachers in MBKM, especially the Independent-Teaching Assistance (MBKM Mandiri-AM) activity at the FKIP, University of Mataram. This program includes preparation, implementation, evaluation, and follow-up to support teaching and mentoring. The results are (1) MBKM effectively supports IKU achievements through direct experience-based activities, such as AM-Mandiri and Kampus Mengajar, compared to independent study and (2) Integrated Independent Training improves the understanding of Supervising Lecturers, Mentor Teachers, and Students. Follow-up after the training includes semester preparation, information dissemination, and reinforcement through support, monitoring, and follow-up programs. Recommendations for development in the form of program expansion are suggested through social media, public lectures, and training. From this entire process, it can be concluded that this program has great potential to increase the involvement and quality of MBKM implementation at the FKIP, University of Mataram</p>Edy HeriantoM. Mabrur HaslanAinun AinunElyn SeptianaSahril AzizAde Irma SuryaniEmilia SahiraNovitasari Novitasari
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2024-11-302024-11-306317919410.29303/jgn.v6i3.534Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat Desa Jembatan Kembar-Lombok Barat Melalui Sosialisasi Mitigasi Bencana Banjir Berbasis Kolaborasi Dengan Badan Penganggulangan Bencana Daerah
<p>Jembatan Kembar Village is located in Lembar District, West Lombok Regency, and is one of several villages often hit by floods during the rainy season. One of the problems in Jembatan Kembar Village related to disasters is the village community's lack of knowledge regarding disaster-prone conditions. For this reason, actions are needed that can increase community knowledge regarding disaster-prone conditions in the village. One form of activity that can be carried out is disaster response socialization activities. The socialization activity aims to provide an overview to the community regarding disaster-prone conditions in Jembatan Kembar Village and to increase community knowledge regarding actions that need to be taken to minimize the risk of disasters that can occur. The implementation of disaster response socialization activities is carried out in collaboration with the West Lombok Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD). The socialization activity was carried out after going through several stages starting from preparation, and establishing cooperation with implementing partners, namely the West Lombok BPBD, to the implementation of the socialization activity. In the socialization activity attended by a total of 34 people, information was obtained regarding what factors can trigger floods, both non-natural factors (humans) and natural factors. This socialization activity has an impact on increasing public understanding of disaster prevention measures, namely 12 actions that can be handled to minimize the risk of disaster before a flood occurs, 6 actions that can be conducted when a flood occurs, and 8 actions that at least need to be taken after a flood occurs.</p>Ni Nyoman KencanawatiRizky Alfatihatul IhtiarHumami Syifa AmandaWilly AzraDanisa SyawlinaIffah Fikriana Al Nurin4 Nurin
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2024-11-302024-11-306319520310.29303/jgn.v6i3.516Pelatihan ToT Peningkatan Literasi Teknologi pada Guru di Pondok Pesantren Ibadurrahman Temas: Dampak pada Efektivitas Pembelajaran
<p>In the digital era, information technology has become an important component in various aspects of life, including education in Islamic boarding schools. Islamic boarding schools are educational institutions that not only focus on religious education, but also academics with technological literacy. Therefore, increasing technological literacy for teachers in Islamic boarding schools through structured training is very necessary to support the effectiveness of learning. The training method is Training of Trainers (ToT). Through this activity, teachers at Ibadurrahman Temas Islamic Boarding School showed a significant increase in technological literacy. This also encourages efficiency and effectiveness of learning, as well as a continuous training system that supports technological literacy in Islamic boarding schools</p>Wirawan SuhaediIman WaskitoIntan Rakhmawati
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2024-11-302024-11-306320421010.29303/jgn.v6i3.502Penetapan Segmenting, Targeting dan Positioning pada Produk Nugget Ikan di Kelompok Pengolah dan Pemasar Mina Bakti Balerea
<p>This community service activity aims to increase the target partners’ knowledge related to potential consumer’s segmenting, targeting and positioning of fish nugget product. The scope of this community service activity is within The Mina Bakti Balerea processing and marketing group which is one part of BumDes Bhakti Kencana in Purwabakti Village, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency. This community service program uses a survey method among the people of Bogor City and Regency eliciting responses in terms of the fish nugget product. Focused Group Discussion and workshop were caried out regarding segmenting, targeting and positioning to the Bumdes members. Members were given a questionnaire before and after the FGD and workshop. The purpose was to test their understanding of segmenting, targeting, positioning. After conducting the FGD and workshop, the results of the tests indicate there is an increase in understanding of positioning and targeting potential consumers and product positioning by 39,2%. From the discussion, the partners also agreed with the additional data presented by the community service team. The members of Bumdes agreed upon the taste, shape, and price of the nugget advocated by the community service team. The results of this progam also supported the Bumdes members to discover the name for their fish nugget brand and a new packaging.</p>Qoute Nuraini CahyaningrumTiara PuspanidraSari Rejeki
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2024-11-302024-11-306321121910.29303/jgn.v6i3.503Peningkatan Kompetensi Menulis Buku Ajar: Upaya mewujudkan Pembelajaran Orisinal Melalui Pelatihan Online di Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa
<p>Quality learning is strongly supported by the availability of textbooks. Through the work produced by lecturers in the form of textbooks, it will have an impact on the originality of learning. This activity aims to improve the competence of lecturers in writing textbooks through online training. The implementation of the activity by the Academic Directorate of the Innovation Center (PIA) of the University of Technology using the Zoom platform. The delivery method uses lectures and responses. Participants totaled 47 people from representatives from 6 faculties. The results of the activity showed that participants were involved in providing responses to questions and responses, understanding the content of the material, and participants' readiness in writing textbooks. The results of the evaluation were carried out through a pre-test with a score of 60% and a post-test of 93% with an increase of 33% N-Gen. This activity is a good effort to improve the competence of writing textbooks as part of realizing original learning.</p>Lukmanul HakimJunadin JunadinEmsal YanuarNova Adhitya Ananda
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2024-11-302024-11-306322022910.29303/jgn.v6i3.510Bimbingan Teknis Pembuatan Yoghurt Varian Rasa Dalam Rangka Pengentasan Stunting Di Dusun Kertaraharja Desa Gangga Kecamatan Gangga Kabupaten Lombok Utara
<p>This community service activity focused on providing technical guidance on making flavored yogurt as a strategy to alleviate stunting in Kertaraharja Hamlet, Gangga Village, Gangga District, North Lombok Regency. The initiative aimed to educate the community on the importance of PE (Peranakan Etawa) goat's milk as a vital source of family nutrition to prevent stunting. The activity included a demonstration of the process of turning PE goat's milk into yogurt, with the goal of motivating the community to understand, adopt, and continue utilizing PE goat's milk as a nutritious food source for families, thereby increasing the economic value of PE goat's milk and boosting farmers' incomes. This activity was initiated in response to identified issues, such as the underutilization of PE goat's milk as a nutritional resource, the lack of experience among farmers in processing PE goat's milk into new products, and the generally low level of public awareness regarding the benefits of livestock milk. The expected outcomes include increasing public knowledge about the nutritional importance of PE goat's milk, enhancing community skills in processing milk from PE goats, extending the shelf life of the milk through processing, raising the market value of the milk, and fostering a healthy, prosperous, and self-reliant community in Gangga Village. Participants in this service activity was attended by 25 people included various community members from Gangga Village, such as breeders, village officials, and other residents. After the activity, the community gained a better understanding of the importance of utilizing and processing PE goat's milk into yogurt.</p>Muhammad DohiIca Ayu WandiraHaryanto HaryantoI Nyoman Sadia
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2024-11-302024-11-306323023410.29303/jgn.v6i3.452Pendampingan Penguatan Branding dan Digital Marketing pada Desa Wisata Lembah Winden Wonosalam
<p>The tourism sector has great potential in driving economic growth, including through the development of tourism villages. However, challenges such as duplication of models, lack of standardization, and low maintenance of infrastructure often hinder optimization. Winden Valley Tourism Village in Wonosalam, Jombang, has attractive natural tourism potential but has not been maximized. To overcome these obstacles, assistance was provided that focused on branding and digital marketing strategies. The assistance includes the utilization of social media, website development, and the use of mobile cashier applications to improve service efficiency. The methods used include proposal preparation, observation, brainstorming, and evaluation through pre-test and post-test. The results of the mentoring showed a significant increase in the knowledge and skills of business actors. The initial pre-test score of 60 increased to 105 in the post-test. With the right branding strategy and digital technology support, Winden Valley Tourism Village is expected to increase its visibility as a tourist destination and encourage local economic growth.</p> Heidy ArvianiDhian Satria YudhaDita AtasaTeguh Yulianto
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2024-11-302024-11-306323524310.29303/jgn.v6i3.456Pemberdayaan Budidaya Madu Trigona Untuk Kesejahteraan Ekonomi dan Upaya Menopang Keberadaan Taman Wisata Trigona Di Desa Batulayar
<p>Honey cultivation can be used for economic value and of course makes a real contribution to the economic community. For people who have a strong determination to develop Trigona honey cultivation, it is useful as an additional business. Honey cultivation activities can also be designed in the form of a honey cultivation business group. This fact shows that in these conditions it is necessary to make efforts to carry out empowerment activities, namely to encourage people to have knowledge and skills so that interest and motivation in Trigona honey cultivation activities grows. Also to encourage people to earn additional income. Through this PKM-PMP, in collaboration with the Batulayar village government, the aim is to provide empowerment activities for Trigona honey cultivation. Empowerment activities are carried out through the socialization stages of empowering honey cultivation and training activities through collaboration and digital literacy for the economic welfare of the community. The activity showed good results, based on the results of the pretest and posttest with a good category of an average of 56.4%-92.7%.</p>Mashur MashurDedi RiswandiHerjan HaryadiSuryati FebrianiHusna Nada
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2024-11-302024-11-306324425210.29303/jgn.v6i3.504Peningkatan Kapasitas Petani melalui Pelatihan dan Demplot Padi Inpago Unram I untuk Ketahanan Pangan di Desa Suranadi Kabupaten Lombok Barat
<p>Superior varieties of Inpago Unram I along with cultivation technology and empowering farmer groups in rural areas are needed in order to maintain national rice self-sufficiency. The problem encountered in Gapoktan Mata Air 2 Suranadi Village is that they are not yet familiar with the Inpago Unram I variety. The purpose of the activity is to increase participants' knowledge and skills about Inpago Unram I rice cultivation applications. The method used is the training method followed by practical work in the field and participatory action research in the field from preparation to harvest. The stages of the activity include counseling and field laboratory practice (Demplot) on 4:1 legowo planting, use of optimum seedling age on a land area of 10 ares. Evaluation to measure the success of this activity is carried out through pre-tests and post-tests of participants and participant responses to the implementation of field practice. The training activity began with the delivery of material by the community service team about Inpago Unram I Red Rice as Functional Rice and the application of its cultivation technology, which was continued with discussion. During the counseling activity, participants were actively involved. This was shown by various questions asked by participants during the discussion. The activity was continued with practical work in the field from preparation to harvest. Based on the results of the activity, it was concluded that there was an increase in the capacity of training participants through increased knowledge and skills of participants about Padi Inpago Unram I as a functional rice quality seed based on the results of the pre-test and post-test, namely from 58.5% to 88.5% and the activeness of participants during the extension. The increase in the skills of training participants was shown by the active involvement of participants in the demonstration plot by practicing rice cultivation techniques with the 4:1 legowo row system at a seedling age of 18 days.</p>Ni Wayan Sri SuliartiniI Gusti Putu Muiarta AryanaSukartono SukartonoDwi Susilawati
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2024-11-302024-11-306325326310.29303/jgn.v6i3.453Proses Pemahaman Pembuatan Ketupat Pada Pelaksanaan Upacara Agama Hindu Di Sindu Cakranegara Mataram
<p>Community service activities are carried out in providing simple knowledge and understanding of the concept of local wisdom in the implementation of religious activities. The selection of the venue for the Ida Pedanda Nyoman Sebali Keniten Mangkuh Ceremony will be held on Thursday, September 19, 2024. The main thing that is socialized in this is to use the form of the meaning function of the ketupat, with the existence of the birth ketupat which is identical to the food of local wisdom, from various customs and customs or traditions. The annual tradition carried out by the majority of the population of Indonesia, namely the Eid al-Fitr tradition community, the Eid al-Fitr tradition is one of the traditions that usually occurs in the community, the Muslim community. This is a harmony that needs to be studied and revealed in order to have the right understanding. The result of this service is open insight in religious moderation, tolerance, and harmony in sitting together to make ketupat.</p>Ni Luh Sinar Ayu Ratna DewiGusti Ayu Santi Patni RDesak Putu SaridewiNi Putu ListiawatiSiti ZaenabMade Sutha Yadnya
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2024-11-302024-11-306326427010.29303/jgn.v6i3.508Pengembangan Literasi Energi Terbarukan Melalui Edukasi Teknologi PLTS pada Siswa MTS Negeri 1 Mataram
<p>Renewable energy knowledge continues to be implemented by the University of Mataram. Community service activities, especially segmentation of the younger generation, are concentrated in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). This activity plays an important role in increasing the awareness of the younger generation about sustainable energy and environmentally friendly technology. The community service carried out at MTs Negeri 1 Mataram aims to increase students' understanding of renewable energy, especially solar energy, through interactive socialization and education activities. The evaluation of the results of the activity using pre-test and post-test showed a significant increase in student knowledge. The average pre-test score of 68.20 increased to 85.75 after participating in the education program, reflecting the effectiveness of the approach used. These results confirm the importance of integrating materials on renewable energy in the school curriculum, so that students can understand and actively contribute to maintaining environmental sustainability in the future.</p>Sultan SultanAgung B MuljonoI Made Ari NrarthaMade Sutha YadnyaI Made GinarsaSudi Maryanto Al SasongkoDesi Widianty
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2024-11-302024-11-306327127810.29303/jgn.v6i3.509Pharmacist Goes to School: Promoting DAGUSIBU As A Pharmaceutical Education Tool for Adolescents
<p>Drug misuse is an urgent public health issue, often arising from a lack of knowledge about proper medication use. Research shows that over half of the medications worldwide are used irrationally. The DAGUSIBU program (Dapatkan, Gunakan, Simpan, Buang or known as Get, Use, Store, Dispose) was developed as a solution to address this issue by providing education on proper medication management. This community service activity was organized by the Pharmacy Study Program and the Pharmacy Professional Education Program (PSPPA), Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FKIK), Universitas Mataram, on August 9, 2024, at Kesuma Catholic High School in Mataram. The primary goal of this activity was to teach students the correct ways to obtain, use, store, and dispose of medications, as well as to introduce the pharmacist profession and the Pharmacy program at UNRAM to high school students. The activity included interactive presentations on DAGUSIBU, an introduction to the pharmacist profession, and a quiz competition as an evaluation method. The quiz encouraged active student participation, with prizes to boost motivation. Despite challenges such as varying levels of student comprehension and time constraints, the activity successfully improved students’ understanding of rational drug use and introduced career opportunities in pharmacy. Overall, this activity proved effective in raising student awareness and knowledge, positively impacting their health literacy.</p>Yoga Dwi SaputraTuhfatul UlyaRaisya HasinaSiti Rahmatul AiniCandra Eka PuspitasariMahacita AndanalusiaBaiq Risky Wahyu LisnasariCandra Dwipayana Hamdin
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2024-11-302024-11-306327928610.29303/jgn.v6i3.522Implementasi Horisontal Net Untuk Meningkatkan Peran Perempuan Dalam Pengelolaan Kebun Bibit Rumput Laut
<p>Seaweed cultivation currently uses the longline method. In practice, the longline method demands significant effort, leading to a greater male dominance in the cultivation process. This community service activity offers the most effective approach to enhancing the involvement of women in seaweed cultivation. We carried out this community service activity in one of the cultivation areas in North Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. Seaweed farmers received training and assistance to implement horizontal nets. Twenty female seaweed farmers and 20 male farmers participated in the training. During the training activities, women play a significant role by performing practical tasks such as creating, cultivating, and maintaining horizontal net tools used in seaweed cultivation. At the field implementation level, women play a greater role in operating and maintaining horizontal nets. This community service activity has instilled new hope in expanding the availability of seaweed seed gardens and enhancing the role of women, thereby potentially increasing the income of female seaweed farmers.</p>Ma'ruf KasimLaBaco SudiaNurdiana NurdianaWardha Jalil
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2024-11-302024-11-306328729510.29303/jgn.v6i3.531Metode Pengukuran Potensi Energi Terbarukan: Upaya Meningkatkan Keterampilan Praktis dan Interpersonal Mahasiswa untuk Mendukung Inisiatif Konservasi dan Diversifikasi Energi
<p>The importance of renewable energy use is increasing to support energy sustainability around the world and reduce the use of fossil resources that are increasingly limited. To achieve national energy security, it is necessary to regulate the development of renewable energy to all groups including students, must work together to encourage energy conservation and diversification programs. Based on this, training on the planning of new and renewable energy potential measurement methods was conducted to improve student skills in theory and implementation in the field of new and renewable energy. The methodology in this activity will involve a structured series of steps to measure renewable energy potential while improving students' practical skills and interpersonal skills. The evaluation of the training results in an increase in students' knowledge in applying their analytical skills to interpret the measurement results and calculate the potential energy that can be generated from the measured sources.</p>Agung Budi MuljonoI Made Ari NrarthaSultan SultanI Made GinarsaAbdul NatsirM. TohriMade Sutha YadnyaSudi Mariyanto Al Sasongko
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2024-11-302024-11-306329630110.29303/jgn.v6i3.530Sumur Resapan sebagai Alternatif Drainase Berwawasan Lingkungan untuk Penanggulangan Genangan Banjir di Desa Suwangi Timur Kabupaten Lombok Timur
<p>East Suwangi Village is one of the villages in Sakra District, has an area of 2.17 km<sup>2</sup>, has hilly geographical conditions and a population of 5,069 people. Based on survey results and interviews with village heads, some areas are prone to flood disasters. The flooding that occurred was caused by overflow from drainage channels, causing it to accumulate on roads and residential areas. One effort to minimize inudation is the implementation of an environmentally friendly drainage system by constructing infiltration wells along flooded channels. The method used in this community service activity is to explain environmentally friendly drainage systems to the community and the practice of making infiltration wells in locations that are often flooded. The result of this activity is an increase in public understanding of the function and benefits of infiltration wells as a medium for environmentally friendly flood management. And the public can see firsthand how to make infiltration wells through practice in locations that are often flooded.</p>Muh Bagus BudiantoHumairo SaidahIDG Jaya NegaraEry SetiawanAnid Supriyadi
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2024-11-302024-11-306330230910.29303/jgn.v6i3.540Penggunaan Lamtoro Tarramba Sebagai Pakan Sapi Di Desa Teluk Santong Kecamatan Plampang Sumbawa
<p>The SAMOTA area (Saleh Bay-Moyo Island-Mount Tambora) is a tourist destination, including the world's biosphere reserve, has the potential for grazing livestock, including the assisted villages of the Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL) in collaboration with the University of Mataram (UNRAM) with State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) based on community needs supported by the research of lecturers, farmers in the village often experience difficulties in finding feed, Especially in the dry season, they never give tree leguminosa feed like lamtoro to their livestock, so they often suffer losses in the form of shrinking body weight, easily getting sick, and even dying. Therefore, the purpose of community service activities is to conduct counseling on the use of Tarramba lamtoro as cattle feed in Teluk Santong Village, Plampang District, Sumbawa Regency. The method used was lectures and discussions, as well as demonstrations of the nursery and planting of lamtoro cv tarramba in Teluk Santong Village, Plampang District, Sumbawa Regency. The results of the implementation of the activity showed that the farmers were very satisfied (87%) with the extension activity.</p>Syamsul Hidayat DilagaSuhubdy SuhubdyAzhary Noersidiq Muhamad AminOscar Yanuarianto
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2024-11-302024-11-306331031510.29303/jgn.v6i3.538Upaya Peningkatan Produktivitas Petani Tembakau Melalui Diversifikasi Budidaya Sayur-Sayuran di Luar Musim di Desa Mujur Lombok Tengah NTB
<p>Efforts to improve the welfare of tobacco farmers require efforts that focus on increasing income, education, access to technology and information. One way is through diversifying vegetable crops outside the season, to get high prices. The problem is that soil fertility decreases due to water saturation resulting in poor aeration, solid structure and low soil pH. For this reason, counseling and assistance is carried out which aims to increase farmers' knowledge and skills in cultivating vegetable crops outside the season. The participatory action activity method was carried out for 5 months, through several stages, namely, problem identification, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Counseling and mentoring activities take place in an orderly, safe and smooth manner. Farmers' knowledge and skills have increased, as evidenced by their high participation and enthusiasm in cultivating out-of-season vegetables. The application of agronomic measures such as the use of plastic mulch, organic fertilizer 20 - 25 tons ha<sup>-1</sup> and NPK Ponska 75 - 150 kg ha<sup>-1</sup>, provides higher yields of mustard greens, tomatoes, chilies and shallots compared to the application of NPK Ponska 300 kg ha<sup>-1</sup> without organic fertilizer and mulch. The income and profit from cultivating pakchoy, tomatoes, chilies and shallots is more than cultivating spinach, long beans and sweet corn, because the selling value is more expensive and stable with each price, pakchoy Rp. 12,500,- kg<sup>-1</sup>, tomatoes Rp. 8,500,- kg<sup>-1</sup>, chilies Rp. 25,000,- kg<sup>-1</sup>, and shallots Rp. 40,000,- kg-1.</p>I Ketut NgawitBambang SupenoAmrul Jihadi
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2024-11-302024-11-306331632910.29303/jgn.v6i3.539Aksi Lomba Beach Cleaning pada Program Conservation Goes to School di Dermaga Tawun, Sekotong Barat
<p>Community service activities carried out by the Deep Blue Sea Foundation and Mataram University KKN-MBKM students in Tawun Hamlet, West Sekotong Village, got a positive response from the local community. This event involved various parties, such as the Lombok Marine Aquaculture Center (BPBL) and security forces, which showed strong cross-sector collaboration. This activity aims to increase environmental awareness by involving 78 students from seven elementary schools through various activities, such as beach cleaning and eco-brick making. Beach clean-ups were the focus of the activity, with students divided into groups to collect rubbish from the coastal environment. As a result, 116 kg of waste was collected, consisting of 55 kg of organic waste and 61 kg of inorganic waste. The rubbish is then taken to the available waste management facilities. Students also play an active role in mentoring and facilitating activities, showing positive synergy between universities and the community. This activity is expected to have a positive impact on environmental cleanliness and public awareness of the importance of environmentally sound behavior. Therefore, similar activities are recommended to be integrated into the school curriculum and replicated in other regions to encourage changes in people’s behavior towards a sustainable lifestyle.</p>Witri WulandariLena SusiantiRiza UmamiZaenal AbidinBagus Dwi Hari SetyonoDamai DiniariwisanRangga Idris AffandiMuhammad SumsantoYuliana AsriMuhammad Marzuki
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